BC Chess Game Database - Updated March 5, 2023
This is a database of games either played in British Columbia or by B.C. players elsewhere in the world. These have been assembled from various sources by Stephen Wright: other databases, published sources (magazines, newspaper columns, books), and scoresheets, both recent (the latest Keres tournaments and B.C. Championships) and historical (with special thanks to Max Enke/the B.C. Archives, Miervaldis Jursevskis, Jonathan Berry, the family of Lionel Joyner, Philip C. Cavanagh, Brian Potter, David Hladek, Fred Schulz, John Baines-Lewis, the late Nathan Divinsky, Ed Seedhouse, Lynn Stringer and Don Hack).
Generally games by players while they were resident in B.C. are included; thus the games for Dave Ross and Gordon Taylor only cover the period when they actually lived here. Some exceptions are made for a few stronger players when the additional games give a fuller perspective on their playing careers. For example, included are games by Elod Macskasy and Miervaldis Jursevskis before they came to Canada, Lionel Joyner before he came to B.C., and Peter Biyiasas after he left the country.
Here are the latest versions of BCBASE (currently 33,234 games):
Full database in ChessBase archive format
Full database in zipped PGN format
These files are current to February 27, 2023 and include and supercede all previous versions, including the Supplements.
This collection is not definitive, but is very much a work in progress - there are still published games that have yet to be entered. Supplements of new games will be provided on a regular basis (in conjunction with the games in the Bulletin), and the database itself will be periodically updated. If readers notice errors, or would like to contribute their own games to the collection, please contact Stephen Wright (swright2@telus.net).