Membership Executive Constitution AGM Champions Policies

There has not been a centralized source of information about passed motions of the Executive. This page is intended to be a repository of motions and policy that have enduring effect for reference purposes.

Policies and Motions passed by the Executive

May 2018

In 2012 a policy was approved that provided $100 assistance to BC champions (Closed, Women's, Junior, etc.) to play in their respective national championships. At the 2018 Annual General Meeting it was approved to double the amount of support to $200 per player.

[update. The 2024 AGM approved $1,000 travel grants for the highest placed player in the BC Closed, BC Women’s, BC Junior and BC Senior that attends the Canadian national championship. The amount of the travel grant will be decided at the BCCF AGM each year depending on BCCF finances.]

August 9, 2016 Motion: Arbiter Motion:

The executive has passed the following motion:

Subject to BCCF finances, effective 1 January 2016, the BCCF will assist BCCF members who attain FIDE recognized arbiter titles (NA, FA, IA) with a grant of $100 or the actual cost of the title, whichever is less..

February 14, 2016 Motion: BC Women's Chess Championship - Criteria for Selection:

The executive has passed the following motion:

1. The BC Women's Chess Championship will be a round robin event where up to 8 players will compete.

2. Invitations will be sent to eligible players based on the last CFC rating list to be published at least six weeks before the BC Women's Chess Championship.

3. Participants in the BC Women's Chess Championship must have played 5 CFC regular rated games in British Columbia in the preceding 12 months not including the previous BC Women's Chess Championship.

4. All participants in the BC Women's Chess Championship must reside in B.C. and: a. have resided in B.C. for a total of at least six months in the 12 months prior to the start of the BC Women's Chess Championship; or b. have resided in B.C. for the three months prior to the start of the BC Women's Chess Championship.

5. The following prizes will be provided by the BCCF:
a. First place: $100
b. Second place: $50.

6. Participants in the BC Women's Chess Championship must be members of the CFC. A tournament membership is not allowed for this tournament.

[update. In 2024 the BCCF Executive, in response to low participation changed the format to an open event with free entry for players rated 1800+. The prize fund was increased to $1,000 and is to be decided at the BCCF AGM each year depending on BCCF finances. This format was adopted on a trial basis to be reviewed at subsequent AGMs.]

January 1, 2016 Motion: BCCF Junior Membership:

The executive has passed the following motion: that the regulations of the tournament fees for CFC rated events held in BC be amended as follows:

1) BCCF Player Rating Fees - Junior only events: $3.00/ player (multi-day events), $1.50 / player (single day events)

2) BCCF Rating Fees from all-junior events will be administered separately by the BCCF Treasurer and is designated for the support of BCCF junior event expenses.

Note: Previously, BCCF fees were waived for tournaments where all participants were juniors. Effective January 1st, junior event organizers will be required to submit BCCF fees to the CFC when submitting events for rating.

December 2014 Motion: BC Closed Championship - Criteria for Selection:

  • BC Closed Championship - Criteria for Selection
  • May 2014 Motion: "That the BCCF shall, finances permitting, have an annual budget of $300 to entertain requests for equipment from new clubs. Decisions on whether the request is accepted is made by the president, decisions on whether finances permit is made by the treasurer. No cash to be given, only equipment. No one organization will receive more than the equivalent of $100. Such expenditures will be reported to the executive.".

    [Update: From 2023 onward the amount available for this program is reviewed at each AGM. In 2024 it stood at $800]

    May 2012 At the BCCF Annual General Meeting, held between rounds of the Keres Memorial tournament, the following motion was passed: "That the BCCF budget $100 each to the BC Champion, BC Junior Champion and BC Women's Champion (or designated runner-up), contingent on BCCF finances, [for support to play in the Canadian Closed, Canadian Junior, or Canadian Women's Championship respectively,] and that each indicate their attendance in advance."

    This policy has was superseded by the May 2015 updated policy.

    Dec. 2009 Motion on updating the organization of the BCCF Foundation.

    July, 2009 Motion: that regular time control events in the province of British Columbia retain a 60 minute default period for the late arrival of players, an option provided for under article 6.7 of the FIDE Laws of Chess, unless the rules of the competition specify otherwise. In a blitz or active event the default period shall be the time control unless the rules of the competition specify otherwise.

    Nov., 2008 Membership Fee Reorganization (as modified 2021)